1st Pannal Scout Group

Pannal Pumpkin Parade 2020

As people are less likely to want to be (or see) trick or treaters this year, how about we make the Halloween weekend more fun by showing off our creativity and making pumpkins for people to see?

You can draw one, colour one in, carve one, make it out of papier mache or just decorate a window or garden with spooky things!

Share the location of your creation in the form below and we'll add it to our map for all to find. (Please don't submit anyone else's creation - they'll want to name it themselves or might be trying to stay under the radar!)
Open the full map HERE or have a look in the box below

Post pictures of your favourites to our Facebook page and we'll choose winners for:
- Scariest pumpkin
- Funniest pumpkin
- Best dressed garden

This fun challenge is open to all areas around Pannal, Burn Bridge, Pannal Ash, North Rigton and wherever you may be.
Please invite your friends to join in too!

The 1st Pannal Scout Leadership team